
int SoExtSelectionTriangleCB( void *data, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v2, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v3)

A Python implementation must look like:

def mySoExtSelectionTriangleCallback(myCallbackData, myAction, myV1, myV2, myV3):
    '''Callback for ..

    myCallbackData can be any type or class
    myAction is an iv.SoAction
    myV1 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex
    myV2 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex
    myV3 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex

    # your Python code

    # return True if the event has been handled, return False otherwise
    return True

int SoExtSelectionLineSegmentCB( void *data, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v2)

A Python implementation must look like:

def mySoExtSelectionLineSegmentCallback(myCallbackData, myAction, myV1, myV2):
    '''Callback for ..

    myCallbackData can be any type or class
    myAction is an iv.SoAction
    myV1 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex
    myV2 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex

    # your Python code

    # return True if the event has been handled, return False otherwise
    return True

int SoExtSelectionPointCB( void *data, SoCallbackAction *action, const SoPrimitiveVertex *v1)

A Python implementation must look like:

def mySoExtSelectionPointCallback(myCallbackData, myAction, myV1):
    '''Callback for ..

    myCallbackData can be any type or class
    myAction is an iv.SoAction
    myV1 is an iv.SoPrimitiveVertex

    # your Python code

    # return True if the event has been handled, return False otherwise
    return True

SoPath* SoLassoSelectionFilterCB( void *data, const SoPath *path)

A Python implementation must look like:

def mySoLassoSelectionFilterCallback(myCallbackData, mySoPath):
    '''Callback for ..

    myCallbackData can be any type or class
    mySoPath is an iv.SoPath

    # your Python code to compute aSoPath

    return aSoPath